Henryhorn's Life

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sad news of 2006

On November 1st we took the decision to end Ambertson (Bert to his friends)'s life by peaceful injection.
He is buried in his favourite spot in his paddock . After 17 years with us it was a hard thing to do, but his arthritis was giving him considerable pain and his quality of life had dropped to mostly standing still. He still ate well and looked wonderful but the sparkle had left his eyes, almost as if he was waiting to go.
Of course he sired many horses so they carry the bloodline on, and we have three daughters too who we now breed to our other stallion.
I want to remember him like this, before his first drag hunt. He had just bucked Phil straight off as he mounted he was sooooo excited, and then he behaved perfectly all day.
Sleep well my old friend, you gave us a lot of fun and some terrible frights when you managed to escape..! Posted by Picasa


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