Henryhorn's Life

Thursday, March 31, 2005

We're never short of daffodils in this house, (makes mowing the drive a pain however, I get fed up and squash 'em...) Posted by Hello

We also keep alpacas, this was a few very fed up ones after being shorn... Posted by Hello

Narramore Atlanta shortly before her dam died of cancer , despite stuffing with food to try and help the foal, she was very thin..Shortly after this the foal got a joint infection, and the subsequent vet's bill was over £1300....It's a good job she turned out to be able to jump, hopefully one day I'll get my vet bill back! (dam is buried in our field) Posted by Hello

Narramore Mandella, ex Kelly by Tullough Hero A sweet safe ride, she lives happily with her owner locally, who enjoys long hacks over Dartmoor. Posted by Hello

Jasper, Can't wait to see him as a four year old... Posted by Hello

Diamond trying to be a show horse.... Posted by Hello

It doesn't always go according to plan...Diamond takes a flier....(he managed to stay on!) Posted by Hello

Yet another carnival costume, problem is I'm running out of ideas... Posted by Hello

And guess who has ear-marked this foal for himself? Already she is halter broken, picks all her feet up and knows who her owner is.. Posted by Hello

Foxy Lady, pictured before she fractured her jaw. She has made a total recovery and her adult teeth are almost through, she is the same size as her companions so should not suffer any ill effects. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

This is where we live. Posted by Hello

We sold these and put horses in there instead, much friendlier.. Posted by Hello

Sometimes you just don't need a horse.... Posted by Hello

Henryhorn, gone but not forgotten... Posted by Hello

Guess who has laid claim to this foal when he grows up? Posted by Hello

Diamond, Bicton ODE Posted by Hello

Narramore Enchante with her colt foal by Matinee du Madon, he is called Jaques or First Matinee. Posted by Hello

Narramore Genevieve with her colt foal Final Matinee, by Matinee du Madon who died shortly before this foal was born. The mare is by Ambertson and has produced wonderful horses, Rosita, Diamond, Foxy,Rene, Storm and Hero. Posted by Hello

Narramore Atlanta Posted by Hello

Diamond, WH local show Posted by Hello

Minstrel First ODE Posted by Hello

Minstrel, First ODE Posted by Hello

Narramore Minstrel Posted by Hello

Danny the dog, at 15 a long time resident and still nutty as a fruit cake..... Posted by Hello

One misty morning, can't you tell they are all related! Posted by Hello