Henryhorn's Life

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Out at last, poor foal, all warm and entering a chilly evening. Posted by Hello

Sometimes they need a hand, she struggled for fifteen mins without getting any further at all, and eventually Phil stepped in to help pull when she pushed. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Harryhorn Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Posted by Hello

To anyone new to this blog, it may be easier to go to the bottom of the page and work backwards; it works on a last posted-will appears first basis which can be confusing.
Most of the horses shown are either bred by us or by one of our stallions, many are pictured competing with their present owners. Many more can be found in the archives, do look!
Mixed in are a few personal and fun photos, do email us if you wish to know more about a particular horse. Posted by Hello

This is Phil enjoying a late birthday present from a friend, they drove all types of military vehicles over varied terrain, it's based near Bristol and a super idea for a present! Posted by Hello

Jonty and Caroline pictured during a Pammy hutton Clinic at Tall trees. May 2005. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 02, 2005

Ready for some work! Posted by Hello

Monty learning he has to stand by the box to be mounted.  Posted by Hello

What a change a month of riding makes (see earlier photos) he is starting to muscle up and understand he doesn't carry his head like a giraffe! Posted by Hello

Monty the youngster started a month or so ago first time indoors. Jumping style wasn't her best, but he was wearing the dressage saddle after a schooling session and it isn't nice to jump in! He reminds us very much of his sire when he started, same careful back legs etc.  Posted by Hello