Henryhorn's Life

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mickey (Narramore Eagleye)

This is Mickey, our family pony who is currently out on loan to a super rider. He does Aff. dressage, Hunter Trials, ODE, Show jumping and now side saddle..Aged 16 we have owned him 12 years and would nver sell him..
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Thursday, November 24, 2005

Sadly missed....

We're about to wean the remaining foals and I came across this picture of Jethro, what a great shame he died...He would have been a fabulous horse. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Lucia, Jenny's 2005 foal who will be weaned this week.

About to be advertised, Lucia is well grown and looking fluffy! Posted by Picasa

First Matinee and Final Matinee

Very different types aged two, despite having identical breeding.. Posted by Picasa

Sleepy Sunday morning.

Some of the main herd snoozing earlier today, we haven't bothered with many rugs as yet as they seem to be growing suberb coats..(is that indicative of a bad winter I wonder?) Posted by Picasa

Little Charlie

Charlie is by his breeders estimation well over 30 years old...Currently playing out with the big boys in the herd, he seems fit as a flea! Posted by Picasa

Solly (or is it a woolly bear in disguise?)

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Lady and Solstice November 2005.

Caroline and her friend (pictured here) decided to take some up to date foal pics. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 04, 2005

Hero aged four by Sivler Bertie (ID) ex an Ambertson mare.

Hero has just returned from being broken, very green still and this was after his first hack. He was fine, met plenty of traffic with no problems. Posted by Picasa


Getting the idea of forward movement. Posted by Picasa


Part way into schooling session three and he's starting to concentrate despite the fact seven horses have just galloped right behind the bank of the arena! We discovered canter and a leap or two but he settled quickly!
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The steering isn't quite there yet! Posted by Picasa


Early in the session and still taqking a lot of leg, henced the raised heel! Posted by Picasa

I'm getting the hang of this pole lark, bring on the jumps!

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That pole looks as if it might bite, so I'll pick my feet up very high just incase! Posted by Picasa

Hero third schooling session.

Arhhhh Now I understand, you want me to go like this!!!! Posted by Picasa