Henryhorn's Life

Friday, April 28, 2006

All legs....

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If I could just work out which leg goes bent first, I could lie down.. Posted by Picasa

Galaxy One Day Old.

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Can't you tell we're sisters!

Jezebel and Tally, both by Harper's Bornival. (rising two this summer) Posted by Picasa

Hey Mum wait for me!

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Harmony and Galaxy

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Harmony and foal 2006

Well the first foal has safely arrived, though not without it's dramas.
The mare was several days overdue but had no wax and little milk, and the only warning we got was she took herself away from her companion to the next field that morning. She was checked throughout the day but at 6pm she had foaled a beautiful filly. (un-named as yet)
The foal was fine but the mare had sustained some problem to her hind leg and was wobbly and found moving difficult.
We rang the vet who advised some bute in a feed and just watch and wait. To our relief she recovered quickly, as there can be problems with big foals if the mare pushes hard, they can even break their pelvis'.
No name as yet, but more pics soon. Posted by Picasa