Henryhorn's Life

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Two pics of Rene aged three.

He is I must admit one of my favourites, soppy to handle and such a stunning horse in the making. Posted by Picasa


This is the smaller three year old by Matinee. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 25, 2006

Obi, I don't envy anyone plaiting that mane!

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Callisto August 2006

Callisto starting to lose his foal coat, he should be dark bay like his sire I think.
All the mares and foals have had hay for the last few weeks and the fields are getting increasingly horrid, tomorrow they move onto their Autumn grazing next door, acres of lush ungrazed grass (only a hay crop in June off it every year) and they all get lots of attention from our neighbours, making the foals even tamer when they eventually return home in October.
We can then rest these fields, grazing has been difficult this year because we have done a lot of spraying for bracken, making a number of fields unusable until soaked by heavy rain (which we haven't of course had..)
We had even organised a gateway through to next door this year for easy access instead of up the road, but the contractors haven't had time to do it as haymaking has been so hit and miss taking months instead of weeks.
Should be fun tomorrow taking five mares and foals up the lane! Posted by Picasa

And stretch.....

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The problem attempting to take Oberon pic is

He's so friendly he always comes over for a cuddle... Posted by Picasa


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really not at all sure what colour she'll end up, going chesnut now from bright bay Posted by Picasa


This may well be the best moving foal we have ever had, enormous uphill paces and very very pretty.. Posted by Picasa


I hate what we call locally "Blackberry Time" as they all go dull coated and tatty looking.. Posted by Picasa

Galaxy definitely going to be grey

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he's bum high at the moment! Posted by Picasa

From left Oberon and Callisto

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back home and ready to go and check his mares..

Bert in impatient mood, he worries they may have been stolen when he goes out so is always in a rush to get back to his adjoining field and check! Posted by Picasa

probably bert's last carnival as he went horribly lame part way through..

Sadly he suddenly went lame part way through, we know he has an arthritic joint and he is sound 85% of the time, but this was really painful so we cut it short and came home.
There isn't a lot you can do for an old horse when the bute stops working, so some serious thinking has to be done over the next few weeks... Posted by Picasa

After the carnival

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Bert and Phil off to the local carnival 2006

This is an annual event and poor old Bert gets front shoes on the week before, legs clipped, mane pulled and is then dressed up ready to be Carnival Marshall every year.
This means leading the fire brigade, the Scots Pipers, the Steel band etc plus 60 assorted floats through the narrow streets of our small town. The pavements are deep in people, there are balloons. people throwing coins at the floats, music, noise, you name it, their job is to "marshall" the crowds out of the way for the procession.
Bert dances along sideways so he can see in front and behind easilyand has led this procession for 12 years now. (he's 24)
He is actually very fit as he lives out and trots about his field for a good two hours every day, so the only thing he isn't used to is a rider's weight. Posted by Picasa

Bert off to the carnival 2006

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monty and Caroline

They're definitely getting there! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 14, 2006

Monty August 2006

Not really sure what they were doing here, he may have been returning to the track about to trot....or he could have given the wrong canter lead and about to trot then canter again..
Although he was actually very good tonight his argueing consisted of going disunited now and then, or a leap in the air in canter to see if he could manage to charge off.
They eventually managed a few whole circuits of the arena in a steady canter with correct bend so stopped whilst they were doing well.
A massive improvement over the last few weeks, as he now canters sensibly, once he learns how to use his hind leg to carry his weight he should be fine. Posted by Picasa

Monty trot.

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Monty walk August 2006

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Monty canter August

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Monty canter August 2006

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